BNCGG Conferenties
Palace of the Academies. Auditorium Albert II
Palace of the Academies. Auditorium Albert II
09:00 | Welcome and opening - A. Rudloff, IUGG Secretary General "00.IUGG_BNCGG_20221104.Rudloff" |
09:15 | Invited lecture: Richard Allan (University of Reading, UK) "01.Keynote.Allan_Brussels22" |
10:00 | IAG talk: Veronique Dehant (Royal Observatory of Belgium) "02.IAG.Dehant_GeodesyForCNBGG" |
11:15 | IAGA talk: Romain Maggiolo (Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy) "03.IAGA.Presentation_BNCGG_Maggiolo_2022" |
11:45 | IASPEI talk: Thomas Lecocq (Royal Observatory of Belgium) "04.IASPEI_Lecocq" |
12:15 | IACS talk: Frank Pattyn (Université Libre de Bruxelles) "05.IACS.BNCGG2022_Pattyn" |
14:00 | IAVCEI talk: Pierre Delmelle (UCLouvain) "" |
14:30 | IAMAS talk: Simon Chabrillat (Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy) "07.IAMAS.20221104_BNCGG-study-day_Chabrillat-BASCOE-CAMS" |
15:00 | IAPSO talk: Sébastien Legrand (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences) "08.IAPSO.SLegrand_IAPSOS_Overview_Belgian_Oceanography_Research" |
15:30 | IAHS talk: Patrick Willems (KU Leuven) "09.IAHS.BNCGG IAHS2022 _PWillems" |
14:05 | Eric Pottiaux "GNSS for Meteorology and Climate: Review and Perspectives " |
Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB - Nicolet room), Brussels, Belgium
Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB - Nicolet room), Brussels, Belgium
13:30 | Romain Maggiolo "Ion escape from terrestrial planets" |
14:15 | Justin Erwin "Neutral escape from terrestrial planets" |
Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB - Nicolet room), Brussels, Belgium
Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB - Nicolet room), Brussels, Belgium
14:15 | Arianna Piccialli "Mars and Venus atmospheres at the terminator" |
Royal Meteorological Institute, Brussels, Belgium
Royal Meteorological Institute, Brussels, Belgium
14:15 | Steven Dewitte "Measurement of the Earth Radiation Budget - A review and future perspectives" |
Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB - Nicolet room), Brussels, Belgium
Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB - Nicolet room), Brussels, Belgium
14:15 | Johan De Keyser "ESA's Rosetta comet mission: What have we learned so far?" |
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
14:30 | Laurent Delobbe "Rainfall observation and nowcasting at fine scale - recent progress and challenges" |
15:45 | Patrick Willems "Urban flood modelling and nowcasting" |
Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB - Nicolet room), Brussels, Belgium
Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB - Nicolet room), Brussels, Belgium
14:00 | Véronique Dehant "Study of the rotation of the Earth and application to Mars" |
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
14:30 | Alain Dassargues "Groundwater pumping and sinking cities" |
15:45 | Marnik Vanclooster "Introducing uncertainty in the impact assessments of climate change on local scale hydrology" |
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
14:00 | Alexander Mangold "Atmospheric aerosol at Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica: what those tiny particles can tell us about the Antarctic atmosphere" |
15:00 | Denis Lombardi "Seismology at Princess Elisabeth station, East-Antarctica: what seismometers can tell us about the ice-sheet dynamics" |
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
14:00 | Thomas Lecocq "AcceleROB: measuring earthquake strong ground motion in Belgium" |
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
14:00 | Arnaud Beth (IRAP, Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie, Toulouse) "Analytical modeling of terrestrial planets' upper atmospheres: analysis of the scarce collisions and influence of the stellar radiation pressure" |
15:00 | Michel Crucifix, Earth and Life Institute (ELI) and Georges Lemaître Centre for Earth and Climate Research (TECLIM) "Understanding the current challenges in climate modelling: dynamics, thermodynamics and statistics" |
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
14:15 | Steven Dewitte (RMI and BNCGG Vice-President) "Total Solar Irradiance measurements: quantification of the solar radiative forcing of the earth's climate from 30 years of observations from space" |
15:15 | Frédéric Clette (ROB) "The sunspot number time series: a full recalibration of the primary 300-year record of solar activity" |
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
14:00 | Pierre Delmelle, Earth and Life Institute, Université catholique de Louvain "Volcanic flank collapse and ocean fertilization by volcanic ash: is there a common denominator" |
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
14:00 | David Dehenauw (KMI/IRM) "Communication aspects of high impact weather: the Pukkelpop storm case" |
15:00 | Pierre Ozer (ULg) "Communication and catastrophe: everything is under control" |
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
14:00 | Jean-Louis Tison "Ice-Ocean interactions under the Roi Baudouin Ice Shelf, East Antarctica: controls on sea level rise" |
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
14:30 | E. N. Parker (University of Chicago) "The Peculiar Mathematical Properties of the Force Free Field Equation and the Solar X-Ray Corona" |
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
13:30 | Bjorn Gustavsson (School of Physics and Astronomy University of Southampton, Southampton, UK) "On Filamentation and Anti-Filamentation of Auroral Arcs" |
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
14:00 | Gaetan Le Chat (LESIA, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon) "Large-scale variation of the high latitute fast solar wind properties" |
15:00 | Norma Crosby (BISA) "Welcome to the World of Solar Energetic Particles" |
Université catholique de Louvain (Croix du Sud, SUD01), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Université catholique de Louvain (Croix du Sud, SUD01), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
13:00 | Michel Crucifix (UCL) "Probabilities, Dynamical Systems, and Climate Sciences : how do we put this together ?" |
14:00 | Michel Van Camp (ROB) "An unexpected earthquake but an expected tsunami in Northern Honshu (Japan) on March 11, 2011" |
Royal Meteorological Institute, Brussels, Belgium
Royal Meteorological Institute, Brussels, Belgium
14:00 | Romain Maggiolo (BISA) "Ionospheric outflow: influence of the Earth magnetic environment" |
Universiteit Gent (Marine Geology, Sterre Campus), Gent, Belgium
Universiteit Gent (Marine Geology, Sterre Campus), Gent, Belgium
14:00 | Verleyen, E., Hodgson, D.A. , Tavernier, I. , Roberts, S.J. , Sterken, M., Sabbe, K. & Vyverman, W. "Coastal Antarctic lakes: recorders of past changes in climate and relative sea level" |
15:00 | Moernaut, J., De Batist, M., Heirman, K., Van Daele, M., Brümmer, R., Urrutia, R., Wolff, C., Brauer, A., Roberts, S., Kilian, R. & Pino, M. "Recurrence of 1960-like earthquake shaking in South-Central Chile revealed by lacustrine sedimentary records" |
Jozef Heutsauditorium, Heverlee, Belgium
Jozef Heutsauditorium, Heverlee, Belgium
14:00 | Patrick Willems (KULeuven) "Impact of climate change on hydrological extremes" |
15:00 | Niko Verhoest, Sander Vandenberghe, Bernard De Baets (UGhent) "Stochastic rainfall modelling for hydrological design" |
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
14:00 | Philippe Huybrechts (VUB) "Overview of cryospheric science in Belgium" |
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
Royal Observatory of Belgium (Meridian room), Brussels, Belgium
10:00 | Eugène Parker (University of Chicago) "Kinetic and hydrodynamic representation of the solar corona and the solar wind" |
11:00 | N.Meyer-Vernet, Laboratoire LESIA, Fr "Solar wind acceleration in exospheric models: electric field and heat flux" |
11:30 | A.Usmanov, GSFC NASA, USA "3D MHD modeling of the solar corona and solar wind" |
12:00 | B.Shizgal,Univ of British Columbia,Canada "Kappa distribution functions and heating of the heavy ions in the solar wind" |
14:05 | J. Lemaire, BISA "Introduction to solar/stellar winds" |
14:25 | M. Echim, BISA "The kinetic structure of 1D and 2D magnetic discontinuities" |
14:45 | Eugène Parker (University of Chicago) "Stellar X-ray emission and spontaneous discontinuities in magnetic fields" |
16:00 | D. Berghmans, ROB "EUV imaging of the solar corona" |
16:30 | G. Lapenta, KUL "Large scale modeling of CMEs" |
14:00 | Clovis Jacinto de Matos (ESA) "Scientific research and global navigation satellite systems" |
15:30 | Thierry Camelbeeck (ROB) "The earthquake activity in central Belgium since July 2008" |
Eric Deleersnijder (UCL) "The astonishing effectiveness of dimension reduction in complex geophysical flow modelling" |
Jean-Pascal Van Ypersele (UCL) "Climate change: the last IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report and new developments" |
Steven Dewitte (IRM/KMI) "30 years of Total Solar Irradiance measurements: status and outlook for the future" |
Gerald Ernst (Department of Geology and Soil Science, University of Ghent) "Understanding how volcanoes ans eruptions work : insights from observations and analogue modelling" |
Sanjay S. Limaye and Mrs Rosalyn Pertzborn "Back to Venus and in the future to Jupiter with Juno" |